Saturday, 11 October 2008

Week 4

To create the Face in 3DS max firstly a Reference plane had to be setup, this was where a major issue was found. When the images were applied to the reference plane in 3d max there quality was so low that it would be impossible to accurately create the quads using the image as a guide. Trying to solve this issue took up a lot of time and it was only when asking the lecturer for help the simple solution was discovered. A setting within 3Ds max needed to be changed so that the program matched the resolution of the original images being imported.

(This image shows the view seen before the image quality was fixed)

(The lined up reference image complete with lines and quads)

To begin the modelling the line tool was used to create quads using the image as a template. This process was fairly quick and easy to achieve, the next step was to convert a single line to an editable poly and then attach the rest of the lines to create one shape. The vertexes within this shape had to be welded together so that the shape could be manipulated properly.

Next using a side view the vertex’s created using the front view needed to be pulled out converting the 2d surface into a 3d shape. The vertexes were placed in there accurate location in reference to the face, doing this created the basic elements seen on the face the nose chin and mouth etc. The nose eye and lips were created in a slightly different manner. Using the line selection the shapes were created by extruding the lines out and cloning them. This created smaller quads which would provide more details to the shape.

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